Sunday, November 19, 2006

O mortals, what is love?

O mortals, what is love? That binds beyond life on earth?

To all corners, in pair we fly... braving summer and winter, by and by...

Union is bliss, parting is woe, agony is boundless, for a lovelorn soul, sweetheart...

Give me word, trail of clouds drifting forward...

And mountains capped with snow, whither shall my lonesome shadow go?

(Excerpt from my favourite chinese martial art novel "Return of the condor hero")

(image source:

Sunday, November 12, 2006

?OOD and ?OOD

(Image credits: ESA)

Each question mark in the above title represent one character.
You will find out what these characters are after you finish this short article Image

All of us eat food to create energy in our body, some eat food to enjoy life and some eat food
to kill the time and on and on ...

No matter what purpose of your eating is, food have something to do with our mood as well. According to recent researches, everything we eat has the potential to change our brain chemistry - and as a result the way we think and feel Image.

By changing our diet, it can help healing metal problems and stresses.
Choosing the right food for the right time can help us enjoy our life much more.Image

We are entering a brave new world where knowledge about the connection between food and mood could transform our lives.

For more information do a google search for Food and Mood Image