Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Animator vs his/her Animation

I got this interesting Flash movie from a friend. I think I am going to learn Flash
but after watching this movie it made me reconsider about whether I should learn Flash or not. lolz
Just kidding.


Anonymous said...

nice! thanks for sharing.

Vibolka said...

that's funny. I think that clip is made by using flash, so y don't you want to study flash. lols....

KEO Kalyan said...

hey lucky u that there is Macromedia flash MX in ya Papa, for my old great-grandpapi, since i've set up all de program as there's some problem with his hard disk, there's no more flash MX for me to design funny and stupic swf. file :(

Dara said...

@ken: thanks for dropping by

@volb - kk@: yeah, I know it was made from flash. But as you can see in the movie the animation want to rebel hahaha. anyway, I am going to learn Flash soon :)

@deedee:good for you dee that you know how to use Flash.Frankly, I never touch it before just planning to learn
it.Anyway I don't have Flash MX install. But I have Flash 8 install instead :)

KEO Kalyan said...

It's ok. even it's different, but it is still a .swf designer program.

Dara said...

@deedee: oh yeah indeed it is! :)

Vatey said...

This is a nice animation! thank you for sharing and one more i haven't heard from u for agesss hehehe