Friday, August 25, 2006


I just finished reading a khmer book which was translated from original title
LA RÉPUBLIQUE KHMÈRE by Mr. Ros Chantrabot.
I feel hurt after reading this book.
The book describes how khmer leaders in that time do everything to grabe power.
In the period of 5 years (1970-1975) they changed the Cabinet many times.
Those politicians never paid attention to the fate of the country. What they care was how to gain more profit.
Corruptions are everywhere. Teachers and sutdents were used by politicians to fullfill their ambition by doing demonstrations again and again.
Except a small amont of politicains and their friends, all khmer people suffered a great unjustic, crimes, and poverty. That made them (the people) hope that Khmer Rouge will liberate them from all of this and that Cambodia will be in peace again.

Because of the war people started fleeing from the rural area into Phnom Penh , the capital city.
The population of this city was 650.000 in 1970 had grown to 3.000.000 in 1975.
From time to time all transportation means had been cutted. Everything became more expensive then the day before.
Even though the salary for public servants has been risen to 300% but people still found it hard to survive.
From August, 1972 to April, 1974 the price for necessary goods are 400% up.
For ordinary families they had only rice with fried vegetable with no meat.
Starting from the end of 1974, everyday rockets had been droped at various targets in the city. Everyday people wounded and die.

April, 17th 1975 arrived.
People were happy because they thought that their suffering was over. They could live in peace and prosperity again but that was just a beginning to a greater suffering ...

I wonder for one thing. It is How accurate this book is?

Finally I would like to thank my friend for lending this book to me.


KEO Kalyan said...

hehe... good ter hear u read that book! I still hav loads more at home. Those have been remained since my mum and uncles' generation! If u r here in Cambodia, i'll lend u! (For me, i havent got time to read those all yet! :( as too busy with my moutainous pile of Homework, both mandatory and optional!

Dara said...

Hi dee,I know you are busy but if you can take sometime to read them.Sometime you will find the other side of one story.

Hey you said it yourself that you will lend me the books. Don't pull back your word na. Next year I will graduate and go back home.I will borrow all of your book hahahaah

seserak said...

Good review, Ah Oun.

I wanna read more,

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiousity, is the book in English or in French? And do you know where I can obtain a copy of the book? From your review, the book sound quite interesting. It is something that I could use for my research.

Dara said...

@weera: wow man. you read a lot of books.I don't know French though.

@Anonymous: The book I read was in Khmer(translated version). The original version was in France.
If you are in cambodia you can obtain the Khmer version at most of the bookstores. You can order a France version from

Blog By Khmer said...

Ros Chantrabot is very credible historian. I have his 'Histoire Du Cambodge: Partie legendaire et lapidaire'. This book is a Khmer translated version (I can't read French). It's very true on all he accounted for. We khmer people should learn from the history. Even in at the current state of the Hun Sen governemnt, I think it's improving. Democracy not dictatorship through intimidation that make the country progress.

Thom from Svay Rieng.

KEO Kalyan said...

Oh yeah star, if i spoke sth out, i never swallow it back to my stomach at all! so no worry! wait till next yr then! but make sure that u need to be quick to be here; otherwise, my old book will be over de expiry date (O^,^o)

Vibolka said...

If you finished reading that book, can you lend it to me? I want to read it too. My address is 690-0865..... just kidding. I don't like reading. I like listening. If I have time, I'll go to your dorm and let you tell me. lols...

KEO Kalyan said...

v>>olb kk@: sounds so close.. nway, don be too lazy eh! u also hav eyes and mouth! so read it yaself!

Dara said...

>>Blogs By Khmer: I hope Ros Chantrabot was fare when writing this book because he also toke part in these events.

>>deedee: I will borrow all the books before they are expired.lolz

>>volB - KK@: I think Audio Book suit you best. Try to find some and listen!

Anonymous said...

I have read that book in Khmer., it look good!