Thursday, August 10, 2006

I wonder ...

edaymankarrvl´pÞal´xøÜnxJúMxanánsresr blog en¼Gs´
eBly¨agyUr>éf¶en¼edaymaneBlxø¼ xJúMk¾sMerccitþ update blog
etImnusßeyIgBitCavivtþecjmkGMBIstVsVaEmnrW? ebIBitCavivtþecjmk
BIstVsVaEmn . em¨ck¾mineXIjmanmnusßEdlsSitenAcMkNþalénkar
vivtþ . eBalKWmnusßBak´kNþalmnusßBak´kNþalsVa?. ebIfamkBIsVa
TaMgena¼ánvivtþmkCamnusßGs´ehIy. em¨ck¾enAmanBUCstVsVars´
enAelIEpndIen¼enAeLIy? .
mYyeTot. eKfacRkvaLen¼ekItecjBIbnÞú¼én BIG BANG >
eKfa .edImeLIycRkvaLen¼CalMhlHelHv. KµanrUbFaturWvtSúGVI@TaMgGs´
lu¼eRkayBIbnÞú¼. BIG BANG ena¼rYcmkk¾
cab´k¾ekItmanCaPB / .Cap;ay ¿¿¿
cRkvaLEdlKµanGVIesa¼.enAsux@ BIG BANG k¾pÞú¼eLIg>
xJúMq¶l´fa BIG BANG ena¼ekItBINamk?sux@Rsab´
EtekItmkEtmþgrW?. BIPaBTeTsðat .eTACamanGVImYy>erOgen¼xJúMdUcCa
minGacTTYlykánesa¼>. ebIeyIgemIlmkviTüasaRsþ}LÚv.
ebIya¨gnwg GVI@EdlxJúMáneronGMBIkMeNItEpndIena¼minxusTaMgRsugeTA
ebIminEmnekItmkedayÉkÉgeT. etInrNaCaGñkbeg;It? .RB¼rW?. ebICa
RB¼EmnetIRB¼Gg:Na? RB¼BuT§rW? . rWmYyk¾RB¼ey¨s?U .?
rWk¾RtUvbeg;IteLIgedayBBYkGmnusßd¾Gs©arüNamYy? .
rWmYyBiPBelakEdleyIgrs´enAsBVéf¶ .EdleyIgRKb´KñaeCOCak´fa
ebIeyIgsSitenAkñúgBiPBRbDiteT.etIkarBitenAÉNa? .
ticelaeyIg kMBugEtrs´enAkñúg Computer Simulation dUckñúg
erOg Matrix eTA?
hW. y¨agem¨cGeBa©¼xJúM? en¼RbEhlCamkBIPaBÉkaehIyEdlnaMeGay
xJúMKiteXIjnUvsMnYrTal´RckTaMgGs´en¼ .rW mYyk¾xJúMLb´stieTAehIy?
BueT§a .¿¿¿.


seserak said...

No, we are not in the Matrix. We are living in the dream of a butterfly.

Dara said...

That can be man!
good point!

KEO Kalyan said...

Wow! what such analysing questions for me to think of! Well.. if u ask if we all developed from Antropomorph Monkey, de answer is nowhere! It's just what de scientists or geneaologist said! (remember de word sienctific discovery is just things they are not sure about, but they just guess! ok? so no wonder much about that! Just live a happy style and enjoy life!)

Secondly, u wonder where de big bang were born? The answer is " I dunno too! ;P "

Next, u ask whether we are living in the Matrix. Well.. I dare say that nufin is real! There's no real things (both real and abstract) in de world! Everything is FAKE! We're livin' in an imaginary life lik in de drama! All we hav happen like a dream!

PS: Hey star, don think too much! Don waste ya brain with such those headache-wonders! Just know wat u should know and need to know!

Dara said...

hey dee,
thank for your answer and your wishfull advice.
Of course what I should know but sometimes I just wonder ....

KEO Kalyan said...

ok star! so any thing more u wanna kno?

Dara said...

hey dee,
I can not think about other things else. But don't you worry if I come up with another strange questions you will be the one I will ask.

KEO Kalyan said...

No worry! Questions welcome anytime as I wanna brain works more! cuz i think she's not workin' that fast as she used to be! ;D so when u meet lonesome, so odd things might comes up to ya mind, so u'l hav questions for me eh!

Dara said...

hi dee,
thanks for your good intention.
BTW are you using this ?

KEO Kalyan said...

ya welcome but don mention it!it's just for my own sake as well not just only for u ;P yep i am using it! hey! i saw u add me already eh!